Sunday, October 25, 2009

sok sok-an berperancis

Miroir de me mentir
Montrez-moi ce que je veux voir
Miroir de me mentir

Pourquoi ne puis-je pas comme la fille que je vois
Celui qui se tient juste en face de moi
Pourquoi dois-je pas pensé avant de parler
J'aurais dû écouter cette voix en moi
Je dois être stupide, faut être fou, doit être hors de mon esprit


il ya l'amour? Je me sens seul, tout seul ...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

just the girl -the click five

i loved this song, make me smile and laugh :)
u r amazing guys, thx vo cheer me up with ur songs.

She's cold and she's cruel
But she knows what she's doin'
She pushed me in the pool
At our last school reunion
She laughs at my dreams
But I dream about her laughter
Strange as it seems
She's the one I'm after

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

She can't keep a secret
For more than an hour
She runs on 100 proof attitude power
And the more she ignores me
The more I adore her
What can I do?
I'd do anything for her

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

The way she sees it's me
On her caller ID
She won't pick up the phone
She'd rather be alone
But I can't give up just yet
Cause every word she's ever said
Is still ringin' in my head
Still ringin' in my head

She's cold and she's cruel
But she knows what she's doin'
Knows just what to say
So my whole day is ruined

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
Oh, I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
Just the girl I'm lookin' for

I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
Just the girl I'm lookin' for

listen here :

'it' attack -again

in my life was very simple like this, i hid a lot of trouble, actually.
sometimes many trouble make me difficult to breathing.

because i was a difficult 'open' people, so, much people don't know who really i am, what really i feel, even the people closest to me.

maybe they thought they knew who i was, who was always laughing, always to enjoy my life, indifferent to the situation, as no matter with any problems.

they are wrong.

i just a people who can't talk what i feel in my heart, can't talk about something rather sensitive, people who always trying to hide away and hide things because can not express the feeling. it's sad.
to be honest, i was a very lonely because my character is. yes, i am even ashamed to admit it now.
it is why i have a disease that i call the name of a zombie attack.

sometimes.. i can't feeling. i just can thinking. seemed empty and just nothing.
if it has been like that, i will turn into a very private person, introverted and ignore everything.

i was scared, actually.
i fear a sudden i used to be the not-social like that. i was afraid to be truly such autism.
i need someone i can trust to accompany me out of it all.
but the problem is, i can not say it.
i really wanted to cry.
but the problem is, i've forgotten how to do it.

why did this all happen?
i do not want to, im confused and everything will be chaotic.
i do not want to be a bad people.

im still seventeen and i just want to enjoyed my life with happiness.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

boys before flower syndrom


sesuai posting kemaren, sekarang gw mau bahas tentang boys before flower!

gw, yang emang ga bisa membiarkan cwo" ganteng dan bak pangeran impian ini ga ditonton, kembali jatuh cinta pada drama ini. sekarang gw lagi demen"nya nonton ni drama- dikhususkan untuk episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... sekalian aja semuanya.. hhehe
ga deng, gw suka banget sama episode" awal, coz lucu dan sweet, bikin gw ketawa" sendiri. dan of course, episode 25, gw sampe ga bisa berkata-kata waktu adegan lamar-melamar. hwehe.

semakin diliat, semakin falling in luph..

ceritanya sih udah berkali" dibikin drama. versi taiwannya meteor garden, versi jepangnya hanayori dango, dan gw udah baca komiknya (meteor garden/hanayori dango) dari smp, jadi ceritanya hampir bisa dibilang gw udah apal. tapiiiii..... menurut gw ga ada yang se-hot boys before flower ini... :D
ceritanya simple, tentang perbedaan status yang amat sangat mencolok yang menghalangi cinta pria kaya, tampan, luar biasa (tapi lucu, kayak anak kecil, semena" dan saltingan) yang namanya goo joon pyo dengan cwe miskin, ga cantik, ga pintar, tapi pemberani dan sebenarnya baik hati yang namanya geum jan di. kisah cinta mereka berdua yang lucu dan manis, ditambah bumbu" drama yang bikin gregetan, jelas jadi daya tariknya.

pemainnya yang cakep" (maap, pemain wanita. saya lebih terkagum-kagum pada cwo" empat ini, hhe), settingnya yang oke, kostum, akting, soundtrack, semuanya nyatu dan bikin drama ini oke.

empat pria ini membuat saya jatuh cinta (lagi)

can u think about this? cwek mana yang ga termehek-mehek diperlakukan layaknya seorang putri oleh 4 cwok cakep, ganteng, manis, gentleman, romantis, halus, kaya (jangan muna, gw sih seneng banget tiap hari bisa dianter jemput pake benz atau limo), jago olahraga, berpendidikan, top high-class, dan jelas, seseorang diantara mereka cinta-mati sama kita dan selalu berusaha jadi yang terbaik dan melindungi kita. gw jelas bakal luluh dalam tempo seminggu aja.

lee min ho - goo joon pyo how can u so sweet like this? would u be my husband? hhehe

beruntung bener kalo ada ada yang dapet cwok" kayak mereka- hope someday me too... :)

this is my boy. he is mine. :)

begitulah kilasan gw. mohon maap kalo gw ga ngebahas ceritanya dan malah bahas cwo" cakepnya. karena begitulah gw adanya. hhe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

mahasiswa baru -ngaco

*korea mode : on*

akhirnya saya menulis lagi! finally im writing again!

(kalo ada grammar atau tenses atau apa gitu yang salah bodo amat. kata dosen inggris saya, "little little i learn". jadi begitulah.)

kehidupan gw sebagai mahasiswa baru (gaya... baru sebulan, juga.. :p) berjalan dengan lumayan bagus, walau masih ada "u-can't-see-invisible-things" yang yaaah biasa lah.
dan telat gw sadari ternyata mahasiswa itu.. capek. tugas, tugas, dan tugas. paper, paper, dan makalah. ga ada jajan dan ngobrol dikelas kalo ga ada guru. something what i missed from highschool.

kobodohan yang gw lakuin sekarang jarang gw inget lagi- karena kebanyakan.

tapi hari sabtu tertanggal 3 oktober 2009, gw, yang saking nerveous dan unspeakable dalam menghadapi mata kuliah matematika (hari itu tentang sistem bilangan dan logaritma) sukses membuat malu dengan teramat sangat.

dimulai dari menonton dvd boys before flower sampai jam setengah 2 pagi, saya sukses bangun kesiangan. diikuti jalanan macet yang ga biasanya terjadi di jam segitu (kenapa oh kenapaaa??), gw nyampe kampus sekitar 3 menit sebelum masuk. huuft. tapi ternyata.. gw lupa bikin tugas matematika. catetan matematika ga kebawa. pengen tanya temen, hape gw ketinggalan dirumah. gw pun hanya bisa menangis dalam hati *malu, diliatin orang sekampus kalo nangis beneran*

dan kedodolan tidak berhenti mengikuti gw. dengan langkah lesu gw masuk kelas. semenit kemudian gw sadar, orang" dalam kelas itu ngeliatin gw semua. ada apa nih? gw balas memandangi mereka. dan... gw ga kenal mereka semua. mereka bukan temen sekelas gw. biar lebih cepet nangkep : gw salah masuk kelas.
maaaaaakkkk.... gw ga bawa panci buat nutupin mukaa gw!!!!

menutupi perasaan malu-gila-alay-hum-gambreng, gw pasang sikap sok cool dan nanya ke salah satu mahasiswi,
gw : ini kelas C kan yah? matematika? *tampang melas*
mahasiswi beruntung : bukan. ini kelas J.

respon pertama : mampus.
respon kedua : malu.
respon ketiga : C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J... gw kok nyasar jauh banget????

gw : oh gitu yah. makasii... *ngibrit*
mudah"an anak kelas J ga ngenalin gw sbg 'cwe nyasar yg waktu itu'. amin.
sampe dikelas (yang benernya) temen gw yang denger cerita gw cuma bisa bilang, "minum mizone, be 100%" katanya mengiklankan produk tersebut. hwehehe.

belom kuliah aja gw udah cape begitu. hhaha. *tawa kering*

kuliah gw di STAH juga lumayan.. ancur-ancuran. hhe. gw males banget dan sempet bolos 2 minggu. maafkan saya dan sifat lazy saya. hwehe.

abis ini gw mo posting tentang boys before flower ah, hhe.
